Program Design
The foundation of Dr. Angie's Dental Health Exchange (DADHE) is a commitment among community dentists to join together to serve individuals with the greatest and most urgent needs, regardless of their ability to pay. A key component is that the load is shared equitably among those participating so that no one dentist bears an undue burden.
Dentists commit to personal preferences. Your practice, your schedule, and your preferences are unique, and our program allows you to contribute in the way that works best for you.
You have the opportunity to make a significant difference in the life of someone who is suffering from dental pain and infection. In turn, your gift to the patient is multiplied in the community as the patient volunteers at local nonprofit agencies in the community.
Dr. Angie's Dental Health Exchange cannot exist without dentists' participation in the community. By joining together with many community partners, we can assist in addressing the lack of dental care for the most vulnerable populations and we can change the way the uninsured experience dental care in our community.
Our Commitment to Dentists
Dr. Angie's Dental Health Exchange will:
Work with each dentist to determine his/her preference concerning scheduling visits for DADHE patients;
Work with each dentist to assess his/her procedure preferences.
Schedule and confirm all appointments according to your preferences.
Enforce a zero-tolerance policy for failed appointments.
Provide program orientation to dentists and staff;
Work with patients to identify and remove barriers to care, including transportation and language translation;
Track the return on investment to the community.
Each dentist who joins DADHE:
Commits to a schedule, of their choosing, to see DADHE patients;
Provides information to DADHE (such as no-shows, services provided, and feedback), so that we can evaluate and adjust the program.
We believe strongly in the value of each individual. Those who receive help through the DADHE have the ability to make a valuable contribution to their community. They do so by providing community volunteer service at local nonprofit organizations.
To ensure that the volume of need decreases over time, we believe increasing the frequency and quality of oral health education among those we serve is important. Accordingly, every recipient of help through the DADHE completes an oral health education class, receives one-on-one training with a dental professional, and is given a dental care kit.